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Documentary, Elegante and Emotional Wedding Photography
Pedro Filipe Fotografia é um serviço de fotografia e vídeo de casamento que vos vai proporcionar uma experiência discreta, empática e acolhedora, oferecendo um registo elegante, emocional e cativante.
Fotografa profissionalmente desde 2013 e tem como missão observar e guardar um momento específico e especial da vida do casal. E também criar uma memória física, fiel e transmissível, das grandes emoções vividas e das pessoas presentes nesse dia. Nada é mais mágico do que fixar uma história de amor, no tempo e no espaço.
Vai acompanhar-vos de forma autêntica, acolhedora e discreta, com luz natural. Observa e capta o sentimento, as gargalhadas, as reações, os pequenos e os grandes detalhes, com a verdade em cada olhar e gesto, com as emoções puras. E também com elegância, leveza e alma.
O Pedro quer que as pessoas se sintam felizes, bonitas e especiais, que a experiência seja natural, fiável e serena, e que o resultado seja intemporal, marcante e precioso.
Que o vosso dia seja… o vosso dia!
Documentary, elegant and emotional wedding photography..
Pedro Filipe Fotografia. is a wedding photography and video service that will provide you with a discreet, empathetic and welcoming experience, offering an elegant, emotional and captivating record.
I have been photographing professionally since 2013. I am passionate about wedding and travel photography, and I like to collect images that take us back to that special moment that caught our eyes, and all the emotions that are associated with it – a person, a gesture, a place.
As a wedding photographer, my mission is to observe and record, through an attentive, natural and elegant narrative – and for future archiving – a specific and special moment in a couple’s life. And also create a physical memory, faithful and transmissible, of the great emotions experienced and the people present on that day.
Nothing is more magical than fixing a love story in time and space!
My narrative, the way I will tell your day, starts from the emotions you show me and the story you are telling me. And I do it in an authentic, cozy and discreet way, with natural light. I am present, dedicated and, intuitively, I observe and capture the feeling, the laughter, the reactions, the small and the big details.
I want everyone to remember this special day as it happened, with truth in every look and gesture, with pure emotions. And also with elegance, lightness and soul.
I want people to feel happy, beautiful and special, the experience to be natural, reliable and serene, and the result to be timeless, striking and precious.
I want your day to be… your day!

Know Our Team

Well... I am the name of the company, but I am just part of the team. I love to travel because I love to discover new things and culture. When I travel I grow a little bit more.
I love my wife (that you will meet in a while) and be in family. I am a family guy.
I studied violin since I was 7 years old, but nowadays I don't have much time for that.
I am a great listener but not so much a good talker.
Photography is my work, but also my hobby.

I am the genius of the video.
I am the youngest of the team but at the same time the smarter (just kidding... or not!).
Cinema is my passion. I love to film weddings stories, but I also create a lot of other stuff. I film shorts, videoclips and also promos for ONG's. I think that with our art you have the moral obligation to help others. We can make a change.